
The Results Are in: What Doctors Can Tell from Pap Smear Results

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During your visit to your gynecologist, they may have informed you that they will be performing a pap smear that day. You have always wondered what the pap smear actually shows in the results. Pap smear results could show doctors many things and could be a preventative way to check for certain diseases, such as HPV and Cervical cancer. If the results come out unusual, additional procedures will be recommended such as a colposcopy.

What Your Doctor Can Learn from Your Pap Smear Results

A pap smear is the most simple way for a doctor to detect and prevent diseases from spreading further than they need to. A pap smear is very important for women to receive in order to detect major cancers and viruses.

What is a pap smear?

A pap smear is a screening procedure where the doctor will scrape cells from the cervix, the lower area of the uterus that opens into the vagina. The doctor will insert a speculum into your vagina in order to keep the vaginal walls open. The pap smear results will show whether or not there is a presence of precancerous or cancerous cells in the cervix. The age to begin getting a pap smear is 21 years old.

Pap smear results

Pap smear results will usually come in within a couple of days. There are two important detections that doctors will look for in the results, the detection of HPV, or human papillomavirus, and cervical cancer. If your test comes out negative, that is actually a good thing, as it shows that the results don’t show any precancerous cells in the cervix. If the test comes back positive, then there are abnormal cells present. It may not be cancer automatically, as it could just be just slight inflammation or minor cell change. Your doctor may ask for you to have another pap smear done in a few months to see if it clears up. If your results are still positive after a second pap smear, then the doctor will take more tests, such as a colposcopy. The colposcopy is when the doctor will use a special magnifying device look at your vagina, cervix, and vulva.

Plan Your Pap Smear Today

Pap smears are performed every three to five years. If you are due for a pap smear, let the doctors at the Nevada Surgery and Cancer Care take care of you and help you through your pap smear results. Schedule an appointment with us today!

Do I Have to Get a Hysterectomy?

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For many women, facing hysterectomy surgery is scary. No matter your concern, whether it be about scarring, pain, recovery time, or returning to your previous sex life, they’re all valid. You can also rest assured you’re not alone in your worries. Nearly 33% of women stare some sort of pelvic disorder in the face by the time they reach age 60. Many look for alternatives to hysterectomy.

Alternatives to Hysterectomy

How do I know if I’m a candidate for non-surgical alternatives?

Every woman is unique. Thus, every woman’s answer to this question is different. Minimally invasive procedures or on-surgical alternatives to hysterectomy largely depend on your condition, how advanced it is, and your previous medical history. If your doctor has treated your pelvic disorder with different methods to no avail, a hysterectomy surgery might be inevitable.

Treatment methods for uterine fibroids

Nearly 50% of women undergo hysterectomy surgery due to uterine fibroids, tumors in the uterus. Though they are benign, they still cause extreme pelvic discomfort, heavy menstrual bleeding, discomfort, and, in extreme cases, infertility.

If you haven’t had any of these symptoms, a natural alternative to hysterectomy you can use is watchful waiting. Patients usually see their gynecological physician once a year to check on the benign growths and make sure they aren’t dangerous or cancerous.

Other patients opt for:


  • Myomectomy: Removing the tumors and leaving the reproductive organs in place.
  • Uterine Artery Embolization: Your surgeon injects uterine arteries with particles that cut off blood supply to the growths.
  • Drug Treatments: Alternative to hysterectomy and minimally invasive surgery are pain management through drugs or hormone suppressants. It’s important to remember that after the drugs stop, the tumors may continue to grow.

Alternatives to hysterectomy for heavy bleeding, painful (endometriosis)

Endometriosis causes painful, heavy bleeding. Many women accept extreme period pain as part of life. However, fainting, extreme nausea, and unbearable pain are not normal symptoms, nor should they be ignored. Endometriosis occurs when the endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus. Women who are done having children or don’t want children can opt for removal of the tissue rather than hysterectomy surgery.

About 18% of hysterectomy surgeries are performed for patients experiencing endometriosis. However, many have the symptoms return within three to four years. Doctors recommend medication for pain management or hormone suppressants before opting for hysterectomy surgery.

Alternative to hysterectomy for prolapse

As women age, they become more susceptible to uterine prolapse (when the uterus drops from its regular place and pushes against the vaginal walls). Child birth, smoking, pregnancy, and unhealthy weight gain increase the risk. In this case, there are several alternatives to hysterectomy. Your physician will help you decide which surgical device is best to help support and reposition the uterus.

Schedule a Consultation With NVSCC

Wondering if alternatives to hysterectomy will work for you? Schedule an appointment with Nevada Surgery & Cancer Center to discuss your options with one of our doctors.

What Makes the FemiLift Procedure So Fast and Easy?

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Something is lighting up the vaginal rejuvenation industry. No, we mean literally lighting up. Lasers are becoming the go-to treatment option for women experiencing negative side effects of aging, childbirth, and obesity down under. FemiLift benefits are extensive. But even better, the procedure itself is fast and easy. Discover why this non-surgical, anaesthesia and downtime-free procedure is sweeping into several women’s bedrooms.

FemiLift Benefits: Fast and Easy

Non-invasive, non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation

Several vaginal rejuvenation and FemiLift doctors agree that the only way to get better results from your procedure is to go under an intense surgery. A non-invasive procedure means doctors don’t cut into your body. As you know, incisions leave you open to the femilift-benefits-couple-on-bikepossibility of dangerous infections. Fortunately, however, since doctors insert a CO2 laser directly into the vaginal cavity, FemiLift side effects do not include a high risk of infection.

The only safer alternative is a pill dubbed the “female viagra.” However, the pill has not been proven to revitalize female sexual arousal or strengthen the pelvic floor. It’s important to remember, not all women seeking vaginal rejuvenation are simply looking to improve their sex lives. In fact, 25% of women experience weak pelvic floors resulting in urinary incontinence, uncomfortable muscle spasms, and more.

No use of anaesthesia

FemiLift doctors don’t administer anesthetic because the procedure is pain-free and does not involve incisions. Not all vaginal rejuvenation in Las Vegas or anywhere can promise that. Anaesthesia presents another set of potentially dangerous side effects. FemiLift benefits patients by eliminating the unnecessary cost and safety hazards of anesthetic.

Return to regular activity after your treatment

FemiLift benefits clients who are on a tight schedule. Women can have their FemiLift vaginal rejuvenation in Las Vegas done during their lunch break from work. The procedure is about five minutes long and since it doesn’t involve anesthesia or incisions, you’re free to go about your day afterward. Several FemiLift testimonials point to the discrete nature of the procedure as one of their favorite qualities.

FemiLift Vaginal Rejuvenation in Las Vegas

Are you ready to spice up your sex life? Contact Dr. Lynn Kowalski for a consultation regarding the FemiLift procedure.

Preventive Lifestyle Changes for Women

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Women usually take the lead role on caregiving for children, elderly family members, and even friends. Although the role of a nurturer is a necessary one, sometimes it overshadows women’s health preventive measures. You might think it’s okay to skip the gym a few weeks in a row or reschedule that doctor’s appointment for a few months out, but these sort of decisions are affecting your longterm health. Find out what lifestyle changes you can make today, to combat some women’s health issues.

Women’s Health Preventive Measures

Make a healthy diet a priority

Do you ever get so busy during the day that you lay down to go to sleep, only to realize you didn’t eat yet? Before you feel guilty, remember we all do it sometimes, but women’s womens-health-preventive-measures-cyclinghealthcare starts from the inside. Maintaining a healthy diet can help ward off some serious diseases.

Instead of pulling through a drive-thru for a quick bite, pack a lunchbox at night. A healthy snack pack will have all colors of the rainbow represented. This means lots and lots of fruits and vegetables. Leaving meat and fish in a travel box could put you at risk for food poisoning so integrate the two into at-home meals.

Some fitness experts insist bodies are made in the kitchen. Healthy food and portion sizes can help you shed some pounds and ward off serious cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Sweat it out

Women’s health and fitness fall to the wayside once their schedules fill up with work, family, and responsibility. Next time you want to skip your run, pilates class, or the gym remember this: Exercise is one of the top women’s health preventive measures. Not only does physical activity help you stay in shape but it lowers stress levels too.

Society doesn’t talk about mental health enough, but it’s one the top women’s health issues. You don’t have to suffer in silence if you’re struggling with depression. Many people don’t want to visit a psychiatrist or therapist, which is okay. The gym can be your chaise and help you work through some slight depression and other life stressors.

Drink more of the right stuff

Drinking too much alcohol can cause severe damage to your internal organs. Many alcohol companies pander to women and are, perhaps unknowingly, are creating more women’s health issues. If you want to drink, limit your intake to one alcoholic beverage per day. During off time, fill your body with water, freshly pressed juices, and other healthy liquids.

Stop smoking

A Las Vegas cancer center sees first-hand the negative side effects of smoking and secondhand smoke exposure. If you’ve taken up the habit, quit now. Your primary care physician can give you tips to help make the transition easier.

Secondhand smoke is dangerous too. Women’s health preventive measures include:

  • Avoiding enclosed spaces like restaurants and bars where smoking takes place
  • Don’t allow guests or family members to smoke in your home or vehicle
  • Enforce no smoking policies at work and in the community
  • Encourage your family and friends to drop their smoking habit

Keep up on regular exams

Women’s healthcare isn’t a priority to a lot of females. Regular exams are important, though, even if you feel fine. It’s astonishing to physicians how many women report they’ve never received a pelvic exam or breast cancer screening. Get checked out every year, even if you think everything is okay. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Family History of Women’s Cancers?

Do you have a family history of ovarian cancer? Contact Nevada Surgery & Cancer Center to find out if you’re a good candidate for genetic testing.

Top Threats to Women’s Health

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As a Las Vegas cancer center, we see threats to women’s health every, single day. Advanced in the medical industry have done a lot to combat common women’s health problems. In order to take advantage of these treatments, first, you must be informed. The list of women’s health issues is long, but these are some of the top health concerns that worry specialists.

3 Threats to Women’s Health

Protect the heart

Heart disease remains the top killer for both genders but is responsible for 29% of female deaths every year. Cardiovascular problems continue as one of the top threats to women’s health because, according to experts, women are underdiagnosed, thus, untreated.

Some physicians are quick to dismiss female health problems like:

  • Chest pain
  • Jaw pain
  • Shoulder discomfort
  • Frequent nausea and vomiting

Although these symptoms are common in many diseases, they are warning signs of heart disease. Cardiovascular health risks increase from smoking, obesity, pre-existing conditions, and family health history.

Take it from a Las Vegas cancer that cures ignored symptoms–If something doesn’t feel right in your chest, don’t stop searching for answers until you’ve got one.

Alzheimer’s Disease

Studies show over 50% of Americans coping with Alzheimer’s are women. Not much is known about what causes this heartbreaking illness but the fact that it kills 4% of women every year is known. Alzheimer’s disease ranks high on the list of women’s health issues because it’s often ignored until it’s too late. What might start out as a little bit of memory problems and occasional confusion can turn into a lifetime of memories lost.

Not all female health problems, like Alzheimer’s disease, have a cure. But tracking women’s health using helpful apps can keep on top of doctor’s visits and more. This helps catch diseases early and potentially increase life expectancy.


Nearly 22% of women’s death can be attributed to cancers. Sadly, most deaths can be prevented by lifestyle changes. Like many other threats to women’s health, early diagnosis is key to survival.

Women should never ignore the following symptoms:

  • Vaginal bleeding after menopause
  • Heavy/abnormal periods
  • Pelvic pain
  • Unexpected weight loss or gain
  • Changes in appetite
  • Lumps and other abnormal growths

Some women might avoid seeking care because of cancer’s reputation as a “death sentence.” Fortunately, cancer treatments have many success stories. It’s possible to live a long, happy, and healthy life after completing a cancer journey.

Those who keep up with their yearly gynecological check-up appointments are more likely to catch threats to women’s healthy early. If you can’t remember the last time you went in for a pap smear or cancer screening, make an appointment as soon as possible.

Have You Received an Abnormal Pap Smear?

Have you recently received abnormal results from your pap smear? Make an appointment with Nevada Surgery & Cancer Center. We’re experienced with ovarian cancers and can help you navigate the next steps.

What to Expect from My Anal Manometry

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We’ve talked a lot about leaky bladders, but what about anal leakage? An anal manometry can help you find out what’s going on back there and your treatment options. Although people who suffer from fecal incontinence might not notice right away like those with urinary incontinence do, it’s not normal, nor should the condition be ignored. If you’ve noticed anal leakage in your underwear, it’s time to start preparing for an anal manometry.

Anal Manometry Procedure FAQ

What is an anal manometry?bathroom-sign-anal-manometry

An anal manometry tests the efficiency of the rectum and anal sphincter. Your doctor will insert a small catheter with a balloon attachment on the end into the rectal cavity. Pressure builds when the balloon is inflated causing the muscles to squeeze. Doctors then measure how responsive the area is.

Once doctors have a clear picture of what’s going on behind the scenes, they can recommend a treatment plan.

When should I make an appointment?

As mentioned above, anal leakage can go undetected until you inspect your undergarments. Before you’re quick to brush it off, ask yourself how your bowel movements are doing. Have you experienced uncontrollable bowels resulting in anal leaking, known as fecal incontinence? Are you having bowel movements less than three times a week?

If you answered yes to the above questions it’s time to visit a specialty surgery center in Las Vegas for your anal manometry. Children diagnosed with Hirschsprung’s disease, which blocks the large intestine, should also see a specialist about their condition.

How should I prepare?

Anorectal manometry preparation varies from physician to physician. Understandably, patients feel nervous and uncomfortable about sensitive areas of their body like the anus, so they’ll want to do an enema or another procedure to clean the area. Please don’t complete these kinds of procedures before speaking to your surgeon as it could change the results of the test.

What should I expect from my anal manometry?

We’re down to the meat of the issue now. Most patients feel more prepared knowing what’s going to take place during their exam, so here’s the inside scoop.

Anaesthesia is not used during anal manometry preparation. You will lay on your side on an operating table, so your doctor has clear access to the area. A tube is inserted into the anal sphincter to the rectum. Patients report feeling discomfort but no pain during this process. As discussed above, the test will begin by inflating the balloon and measuring muscle response.

The whole exam takes about 10-20 minutes. Once the tube is out, your doctor can talk about results with you. After leaving the office, feel free to continue business as usual.

What kinds of treatment options are available?

Doctors from Mayo Clinic are experimenting with some groundbreaking procedures for anorectal manometry treatment. This new surgery uses magnetic titanium beads so patients can return to normal bowel movements.

The traditional anorectal manometry treatment plan includes lifestyle changes (diet and exercise), medication, and surgery.

Make Your Appointment with a Las Vegas Cancer Center

We know what you’re thinking, a cancer center for an anal procedure? Nevada Surgery & Cancer Center is not only a cancer center, but a specialty surgery center in Las Vegas. Dr. Stephanie Wishnev is one of the only board-certified colon and rectal surgeons in the valley. Schedule your anal manometry online.

Are You a Good Candidate for Genetic Testing?

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genetic-testing-for-cancer-mom-daughterHave any of your close relatives been diagnosed with a terminal illness? A cancer diagnosis is scary for those diagnosed and for those closest to them. Serious medical conditions in biological family members can be a precursor of your future health. Doctors recommend patients with a family history of serious illnesses seek genetic testing for cancer. You can quiz yourself to find out if you’re a good candidate for genetic testing for cancer predisposition.

Although there are some drawbacks to the test, your results can help you make some serious decisions about your health.

Genetic Testing for Cancer

Benefits of testing for cancer predispositions

The most important thing to know about genetic testing for cancer is that a positive test does not mean you will get cancer. On the same note, a negative reading doesn’t mean you won’t ever develop cancer cells. What the test does do is help you and your physician make some decisions about your future health. Some women who test positive for a genetic mutation opt to have a hysterectomy to help lower their risk of developing cancer.

People with an immediate family member who have been diagnosed with colon cancer or ovarian cancer have a higher risk of developing the same disease. Genetic testing for colon cancer and others can help start treatment early and increase survival rates.

After a cancer diagnosis, genetic testing tumors can help doctors determine the patient’s treatment outlook. As researchers learn more about cancer and what causes the cell mutations, genetic testing will yield a more generous amount of information.

Stress can severely affect your health. If you’re worried about potential cancer risks, get tested if only for a peace of mind.

What to expect from your test

Genetic testing for cancer usually requires several blood samples. The doctor will send your specimen to the lab to test for mutated genes. It could take several weeks to get your results back so in the meantime, try to relax. Find comfort in the fact that you’re taking the first steps to take control of your health.

Once your results are back, you will meet with your doctor to discuss. If the test comes back positive for gene mutations, you could decide to take some preventative measures.

Test yourself

If you answer yes to any of the following questions you should consider genetic testing for cancer.

Do you have any of the following personal or family history of breast and/or ovarian cancer:

  • Breast cancer at or below age 50
  • Any occurrence of ovarian cancer
  • Male breast cancer at any age
  • Two breast cancers in the same person or same side of the family
  • Triple negative breast cancer at any age
  • Known BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation
  • Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry along with an HBOC-associated cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer and an HBOC-associated cancer in the same person or side of the family

Do you have any of the following personal or family history of colorectal cancer:

  • Colorectal cancer before or after age 50
  • One or more colorectal adenomatous polyps
  • Uterine cancer
  • More than one Lynch Syndrome-related cancers in the same person
  • Close relative with a Lynch Syndrome gene mutation
  • Tumor with microsatellite instability

Get Tested

If you answered yes to any of the above questions or if you have concerns about your family history, get tested. Make your genetic testing for cancer appointment with Nevada Surgery & Cancer Care.

Body Mass Index and Urinary Incontinence

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Did you know an unhealthy body mass index is linked to urinary incontinence? It’s true. Factors like age, childbirth, and pelvic trauma aggravate the condition even further. Doctors studying BMI effects on the body aren’t sure how urinary incontinence strongly connects, but they do know there is hope. Reversing effects of obesity on the body takes lifestyle changes, and a little help from physicians specialized in vaginal rejuvenation.

BMI Effects on Urinary Incontinence

Difference between stress and urge incontinencebmi-effects-on-body-scale

The urge to urinate doesn’t start making you feel uncomfortable until the bladder is about half full. In a healthy urinary system, when the bladder expands, the nerves give the green light to detrusor muscles and the pelvic floor to relax. During voluntary urination, the external sphincter opens up when you decide to visit the restroom. Any interruption of this process is known as urinary incontinence.

Stress incontinence is most common in women after traumatic events (birth, sexual trauma, menopause, etc.) damage the pelvic floor. Uncontrollable urine release takes place when your abdomen is under stress. This isn’t limited to strenuous exercise. Women experience stress urinating from coughing, laughing, or sneezing.

Urge incontinence is characterized by a sudden need to “go.” Urine spontaneously leaks from the body before you have time to find the nearest loo.

Effects of obesity on the body

While researchers still don’t know the exact BMI effects on the body and its urinary system, they do know obesity increases the change of urinary incontinence. The following effects of obesity on the body provoke involuntary urination:

  • Abdominal pressure
  • Reduced sensitivity to nerve signals
  • Diabetes, especially those who are insulin dependent
  • Constipation

Psychological effects of obesity like depression are more common in those who experience negative conditions like urinary incontinence.

Treating urinary incontinence from BMI effects on the body

Many women experience weakened pelvic floors leading to urinary incontinence. The condition is treatable and nothing to be embarrassed about. If your involuntary bodily functions are related to obesity, it’s important to lose weight on top of treatments. Studies show 46% of women experiencing urinary incontinence saw an improvement after losing three pounds.

Other treatment options include:

The FemiLift procedure is the least invasive option for urinary incontinence. It also offers other benefits like increased vaginal lubrication.

Seeking Treatment for Urinary Incontinence?

Are you still on the fence about what treatment option is best for you? Schedule an appointment with Dr. Lynn Kowalski and discuss your options with one of our experienced physicians.

Anal Ultrasound After an Anal Cancer Diagnosis at NVSCC

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Are you wondering what the next step is after receiving an abnormal anal Pap test? Your doctor could opt for an anal ultrasound for anal cancer diagnosis. Although anal cancer is not common in the United States, high-risk people should take the time to get an anal cancer screening so they can get diagnosed and treated early.

Anal Ultrasound Procedure for Anal Cancer Diagnosis

When you should be screened for anal cancer

anal-ultrasound-machineAnyone over 50 should be checked for colorectal cancers along with high-risk people. Examples of high-risk people are those with HIV, women who have had cervical or vulvar cancer, and organ transplant recipients.

Symptoms of anal cancer vary but usually begin with minor bleeding. Patients should make an appointment to see their doctor for a checkup to rule out cancer if they also experience rectal itching, pain, or abnormal discharge. Swollen lymph nodes or lumps near the anus should also be investigated.

These symptoms are not always associated with cancer and could be signs of anal fissures, warts, or hemorrhoids. After the anal lining is swabbed and an abnormal test result is give, a rectal ultrasound can help rule out or diagnose rectal cancer.

How a rectal ultrasound works

An anal ultrasound uses a probe, the size of a finger in diameter,  to reveal lesions, tears, or scarring. Doctors consider it a safe, painless, and a radiation-free procedure.

Anal ultrasounds can help determine whether cancer is present and if so, how far the disease has traveled. Your doctor could opt to do a biopsy to further test any suspicious areas. Physicians might prefer an anal ultrasound instead of a colonoscopy to look beneath the surface of the skin.

Preparation for an endorectal ultrasound consists of two enemas delivered in-house prior to your exam.

Schedule Your Appointment at a Las Vegas Cancer Center

Nevada Surgery and Cancer Center in Las Vegas specializes in the treatment of various cancers concerning the colon, anus, and bowels. Dr. Stephanie Wishnev is one of the only doctors licensed in Nevada to perform anorectal ultrasounds. If you or someone you know is seeking cancer treatment, contact NVSCC.

How to Get Involved in Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

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colorectal-cancer-handsGo blue or go home for Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month in March. Although not as widely talked about as other forms of cancer, colorectal cancer is the second highest cause of cancer deaths in the U.S. That means more than 50,000 people will die from this extremely avoidable disease. Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month aims to educate the public about risk factors, symptoms, treatments, and preventative measures. Here’s how you can get involved.

Get Involved in Colorectal Cancer Awareness

Know the risk factors and symptoms

The most important thing to know about colorectal cancer is that there usually are not red flag symptoms. Risk grows as people age so colon cancer screenings become necessary after age 50. Other colorectal cancer risk factors include:

  • Smoking
  • Sedimentary lifestyle
  • Unhealthy weight
  • Alcoholism

You might be saying to yourself, “None of those risk factors sound like me so I’m going to take a hall pass on this exam.” Wrong. Cancerous tumors can still affect the most salad eating, triathlon competing, and sober living people. Although warning signs are rare, colorectal cancer symptoms include:

  • Rectal bleeding
  • Varied stool color
  • Excessive constipation or diarrhea
  • Nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain
  • Iron deficiency

Spread awareness to loved onescolorectal-cancer-ribbons

The human body is an amazing and sometimes confusing organism. Loved ones may not know the above colorectal cancer symptoms. They might sweep them under the rug and add it to a list of negative side effects of aging. Spread awareness by:

  • Wearing blue on March 3rd
  • Posting on social media about colorectal cancer awareness
  • Talking to loved ones, age 50 and older, about cancer screenings
  • Participating in physical activity three to four times a week with family
  • Encouraging other to drop bad habits like smoking and excessive drinking
  • Attending local educational events

Take part in preventative measures at a Las Vegas cancer center

The most important thing to remember about colorectal cancer is that it’s preventative. Find a Las Vegas cancer center and get screened. The following procedures are used to screen for colorectal cancer:

  • Colonoscopy
  • Stool DNA test
  • Stool blood tests

Take an Active Role in Colorectal Cancer Treatment

Are you confused on what to do following a colorectal cancer diagnosis? Don’t worry; we’ll take it from here. Contact Nevada Surgery and Cancer Center today, a cancer treatment center in Las Vegas that specializes in gynecological and colon cancers.