When Ovarian Cysts Turn Cancerous

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Cysts can occur all over a person’s body. There are types of cysts that occur more common than others, such as ovarian cysts in women. Some cysts may become cancerous but they occur rarely in the ovary. But when can you know if an ovarian cysts becomes cancerous? Preventative care for an ovarian cyst is a way to take care of a cyst before it can become cancerous. Constant monitoring of the ovarian cysts will make sure that it will not become a bigger problem, like a cancerous cyst, down the road.

Can Ovarian Cyst Become Cancerous?

Ovarian cysts that get preventative care will most likely not become cancerous. It is rare for an ovarian cyst to become cancerous, but there still is a chance that it can be a cancerous cyst.

Similar symptoms

Ovarian cancer and ovarian cysts don’t just share similar locations in the body. They also share similar symptoms. This may be the reason that it can be confusing on whether or not you may have an ovarian cyst or symptoms of ovarian cysts.

The symptoms are:

  • Abdominal pain and pressure
  • Frequent or urgent urination
  • Painful intercourse
  • Abdominal swelling or bloating
  • Feeling overstuffed or having trouble eating

Preventative care

In order to prevent an ovarian cyst that may become cancerous, your doctor will either monitor the cysts or do a removal treatment. Most cysts don’t require treatment, and if small, they could even go away on their own. Depending on how large the cyst is, the doctor will determine whether they will monitor the cyst or remove it.

There are two types of removal procedures done for ovarian cysts:

  • Laparoscopy: This is a procedure doctors will do on smaller cysts. They will make a small cut above the belly button so that the doctor will insert a small tool with a camera to see inside. The doctor will take another tool and remove the cyst. You will not have any hospital time after this procedure.
  • Laparotomy: This is the procedure for large cysts or cysts that may be cancerous. It is similar to the laparoscopy, but requires a bigger cut.

Preventive and Comprehensive Care

Ovarian cysts have a chance to be cancerous. Don’t guess whether or not it will be, visit the doctors at the Nevada Surgery and Cancer Care in order to have your ovarian cyst monitor. Visit us today in order to schedule an appointment.

Screening Time: How to Screen Yourself for Cancer

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Early detection of cancer could be the number one way to survive cancer. Finding cancer early gives doctors a chance to keep it from spreading further. It’s important to know what to look out for early on and have a doctor address any concerns you have. Screening yourself for cancer can help with finding things that may be abnormal. Self assessments, such as self breast exams, are a great way for you to take charge of preventing cancer from spreading. Early detection can help you from allowing the cancer to take over.

How You Can Screen Yourself for Cancer

Some cancers have self exams that you can perform to evaluate anything that’s abnormal or if something new has appear that wasn’t there previously.

Self exam for skin cancer

One monthly self exam you can perform will keep you mindful of signs of skin cancer. This exam involves examining your body for any new or changing marks or spots that may be precancerous. The areas of focus on the face is the nose, lips, mouth, and ears. Using a hairdryer, you can check your scalp for any changes. This exam requires that you examine every inch of your body for any skin changes that were not there the month before.

Self breast exam

Women of all ages are recommended to do a self breast exam at least once a month. These exams can help get you familiar with how your breast looks and feels. This exam helps you sense when something’s not right.

You can perform a self breast exam in the following locations:

  • In front of a mirror
  • In the shower
  • Lying down on your bed

If you feel something abnormal in your monthly exam, visit a doctor to check if it is something serious.

Comprehensive Care for Your Cancer Needs

If you detect something that is abnormal, visit the doctors at the Nevada Surgery and Cancer Care. We will help provide comprehensive counseling for your cancer needs. Schedule a consultation with us today!

Difference between Endometriosis and Menstrual Pain [Infographic]

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All women experience menstrual cramps during their period and some cramps can feel like they are the worst pain in the world. It may be something else if you experience cramps that keep you in bed the whole day. This may be endometriosis and it is a good idea to identify the difference between normal menstrual pain and endometriosis.


Am I Old Enough? When You Should Start Getting a Pap Smear

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A Pap smear is a very important procedure for a woman to do in order to check for risks of cervical cancer. Most women get the procedure done after a certain age. But what is the right age to ask your doctor for a Pap smear? Also, if you are not sexually active, do you still need to get a Pap smear? There is a right age for young women to begin to get Pap smears. Pap smear results are a great way for doctors to do early cancer detection.

What Is the Right Age for a Pap Smear?

A Pap smear is the screening process of cells of the cervix that a doctor will scrap from the lower portion of the uterus that opens into the vagina. The right age to begin getting a Pap smear done is 21 years old. The doctor will recommend that you get a Pap smear every three to five years. A Pap smear result could detect HPV, which is important for monitoring cervical cancer. Early prevention of cervical cancer can save a woman from cancer spreading.

What if I am not sexually active?

Being sexually active isn’t the only way for you to be able to get a Pap smear. A Pap smear can be performed on someone that is still not sexually active. They may have a lesser risk of getting cervical cancer, but it is still good to check in order to check if there are potentially early signs of cervical cancer or the presence of HPV. You can ask your doctor if a Pap smear is recommended. You still need to be over 21 in order to begin getting a Pap smear done. If you are not comfortable getting a Pap smear while not being sexually active, your doctor may recommend different options for cancer detection.

Schedule Your Pap Smear

If you are over 21 years of age, plan to have your first Pap smear soon to check on early detection of cervical cancer. The doctors at the Nevada Surgery and Cancer Care will walk you through your first Pap smear with care. Schedule your Pap smear today!

The Prolonged Period: What Does It Mean If Your Menstrual Period is Longer Than Normal

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Menstrual periods can feel like they never end and the average of five days may feel like they are the longest five days of your life. Having to experience that every month is the worst part. You have a countdown for the day that your period is meant to end. But what happens when your period goes past your normal amount of days?

A prolonged menstrual period can happen, and it could be a sign of a couple of things. The most common reasons for a prolonged menstrual bleeding could be menorrhagia, polymenorrhea, and dysfunctional uterine bleeding. The symptoms may differ, and it would be best to visit a doctor to know what your situation is.

What Does Your Prolonged Menstrual Period Mean?

If your normal menstrual period goes one or two days longer, it may not be something serious. The average period is about three to seven days so if your usual period is about five days and it goes to seven days; it may just be an irregularity. Contact your doctor if your menstrual period has been 13-21 days long and still has not finished.


One of the causes of a prolonged menstrual period is menorrhagia. It is the the medical term for prolonged and abnormally heavy bleeding. Menorrhagia can cause so much blood loss and cramping during the menstrual period that it will keep someone from doing their regular  day-to-day activities. It is recommended to visit a doctor if you suffer from these painful menstrual periods, and they may prescribe treatments for menorrhagia.


You may not be experiencing prolonged menstrual period but what happens if the time between your periods is getting shorter. If you begin getting your period is less than a 21-day menstrual cycle, you may be experiencing polymenorrhea. This is what happens when you begin to have frequent periods.

Common causes of polymenorrhea are:

  • Stress
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
  • Excessive exercise
  • Short luteal phase

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding

As a symptom of polymenorrhea, dysfunctional uterine bleeding is when irregular uterine bleeding occurs and shows a disruption in the pattern of ovulatory hormonal stimulation in the uterine lining. The bleeding ranges from light to heavy and could be frequent, random, or prolonged.

Check Your Symptoms at the Nevada Surgery and Cancer Care

If you are experiencing a prolonged menstrual period, visit a doctor at the Nevada Surgery and Cancer Care. We have highly trained doctors that will treat and consult you for your prolonged menstrual period. Schedule an appointment today!

The Results Are in: What Doctors Can Tell from Pap Smear Results

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During your visit to your gynecologist, they may have informed you that they will be performing a pap smear that day. You have always wondered what the pap smear actually shows in the results. Pap smear results could show doctors many things and could be a preventative way to check for certain diseases, such as HPV and Cervical cancer. If the results come out unusual, additional procedures will be recommended such as a colposcopy.

What Your Doctor Can Learn from Your Pap Smear Results

A pap smear is the most simple way for a doctor to detect and prevent diseases from spreading further than they need to. A pap smear is very important for women to receive in order to detect major cancers and viruses.

What is a pap smear?

A pap smear is a screening procedure where the doctor will scrape cells from the cervix, the lower area of the uterus that opens into the vagina. The doctor will insert a speculum into your vagina in order to keep the vaginal walls open. The pap smear results will show whether or not there is a presence of precancerous or cancerous cells in the cervix. The age to begin getting a pap smear is 21 years old.

Pap smear results

Pap smear results will usually come in within a couple of days. There are two important detections that doctors will look for in the results, the detection of HPV, or human papillomavirus, and cervical cancer. If your test comes out negative, that is actually a good thing, as it shows that the results don’t show any precancerous cells in the cervix. If the test comes back positive, then there are abnormal cells present. It may not be cancer automatically, as it could just be just slight inflammation or minor cell change. Your doctor may ask for you to have another pap smear done in a few months to see if it clears up. If your results are still positive after a second pap smear, then the doctor will take more tests, such as a colposcopy. The colposcopy is when the doctor will use a special magnifying device look at your vagina, cervix, and vulva.

Plan Your Pap Smear Today

Pap smears are performed every three to five years. If you are due for a pap smear, let the doctors at the Nevada Surgery and Cancer Care take care of you and help you through your pap smear results. Schedule an appointment with us today!

Femilift vs Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedures

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You may have become self-conscious of your lady parts and have begun considering a vaginal rejuvenation procedure. You want to feel confident and enjoy your sexual experiences instead of being in pain. But you also want to have a quick procedure where you will feel confident in a quick vaginal rejuvenation recovery time. So which procedure do you choose: vaginoplasty, labiaplasty, or Femilift?

How Femilift Beats out Other Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedures

If you are considering a vaginal rejuvenation procedure, there will be so many to choose from. Femilift is a cut above the rest when it comes to an innovative procedure that works with quick results.

Quick procedure

Femilift has a quick five-minute procedure that can be done in an office and within an hour, the procedure is complete. With other vaginal rejuvenation procedures, such as labiaplasty, you will have a surgical procedure that takes time and has some recovery time.

No recovery time

Because Femilift is such a quick procedure, there is practically no recovery time. Other vaginal rejuvenation procedures will require that you ice the incision and let your activities for 72 hours. With Femilift, you are able to complete the procedure and get back to your life.

No anesthesia required

Most vaginal rejuvenation procedures will require you to be under anesthesia in order to complete the procedure. With Femilift, you will not need to be under anesthesia and won’t even be prescribed medication after the procedure is completed.

Results from Femilift

With the Femilift procedure, you will experience the following results afterward:

  • Renewed sex life
  • Improved vaginal sensation
  • Bladder control
  • Vaginal lubrication
  • In some cases, complete reversal of incontinence

Regain Your Confidence within Minutes with Femilift

Dr. Lynn Kowalski uses the minimally invasive procedure that she will walk you through and will have you up and ready within minutes. Consider Femilift for your vaginal rejuvenation procedure. Schedule an appointment with us today!

Timeline of Healing after Your Hysterectomy

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The recovery time after your hysterectomy can vary from patient to patient. There will be regulations to your normal activities in order for you to recover properly. You should follow your discharge instructions carefully and always consult with your doctor if you are feeling complications or irregular symptoms.


5 Early Warning Signs of Ovarian Cancer

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ovarian cancer-girl-laying-down

Ovarian cancer is the number one threat to women’s health due to women finding out they have it in the late stages of cancer. Women will not see or feel the signs of ovarian cancer until it is too late. Ovarian cancer awareness is very important, and there are several warning signs to look out for cancer prevention.

5 Warning Signs of Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is known as the “Silent Killer” and can kill 1 in 70 women in the US. This is a major threat to women’s health. It still doesn’t have a reliable screening test, so it is very important to read the signs and visit a doctor to start prevention.

1. Painful sexual activity

If your sexual activity has been pain-free and has recently become very painful, consult with your doctor to try to find the reason for the pain. Most situations could be due to lubrication, but it would be better to be certain that it isn’t anything serious.

2. Urgent frequency in urination

Most women frequent the bathroom due to a urinary tract infection or a weak pelvic floor. Those symptoms can be cured with proper medication or kegel exercises. If you believe that it is abnormal, consider asking your doctor if it is something more serious.

3. Fatigue

You usually have energy throughout the day, but if you suddenly are constantly tired, ask your doctor if it is something more serious affecting you.

4. Increased size in abdomen

Abdominal bloating can usually be experienced before or during your menstrual cycle. Experiencing bloating and sudden increase in hip and waist size, talk with your doctor to see if verify that you are not experiencing signs of ovarian cancer

5. Loss of appetite or sudden fullness after eating

Consider talking with your doctor if you have a sudden loss of appetite that you had never experienced before. Consult them as well if you get full with eating small amounts. This could be something more serious that your body is trying to tell you.

Consult the Doctors at the Nevada Surgery and Cancer Care

If you are experiencing signs, remember that there isn’t a screening test for ovarian cancer. It is better to know than to wait too long before you start seeing more drastic symptoms. Consult with the doctors at the Nevada Surgery and Cancer Care so that you can be sure you are cancer-free. Schedule a consultation today!

Introduce a Whole New You This Spring with Femilift Procedure

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The flowers begin to blossom in the spring from the winter chill. The bees are buzzing around, and everything is lively and bright. If you feel that you are not blooming due to pregnancy, menopause, or other factors, consider the benefits of the Femilift procedure, such as vaginal tightening and lubrication.

Rejuvenate a New You This Spring with Femilift

Pregnancy and menopause can bring some vaginal complications that can give you a lack of confidence and low sex drive. Femilift can be your answer to your lack of sex drive and vaginal lubrication. Vaginal tightening can not only be beneficial for sexual needs but also if you suffer from sudden urinary problems. Femilift will be able to help you blossom this spring.

What is the procedure?

Femilift is a minimally invasive procedure that takes as little as five minutes to complete. The procedure will take place in an office and doesn’t even require any anesthesia. Many vaginal rejuvenation procedures take anesthesia and recovery time. Most patients don’t have any downtime after the procedure is done, making it easy for you to continue on in your life.

Benefits of the Femilift procedure

Femilift is not only an easy procedure, but you will feel the results rapidly. Some of the results from the vaginal rejuvenation of Femilift are:

  • Renewed sex life
  • Vaginal lubrication
  • Improved vaginal sensation
  • In some cases, complete reversal of incontinence

Women are able to get their confidence back after the quick procedure. Wouldn’t it be nice to feel yourself bloom again? Femilift can help you with blooming freely this spring.

Blossom into a New You This Spring with Femilift

Don’t let your menopause or pregnancy keep you from being confident. Vaginal rejuvenation with Femilift can bring you a new you this spring. Dr. Lynn Kowalski will guide you through the quick procedure so that you can quickly get back to the confident you. Visit Dr. Lynn Kowalski to schedule your Femilift procedure today!